X-Ray Technician Schools in Rhode Island (RI)
Becoming an x-ray technician in Rhode Island (RI) is a process that begins by finding the right x-ray tech school for you. By using our x-ray tech search tool you can quickly search a comprehensive listing of the top Rhode Island x-ray tech programs to find those x-ray tech schools offering degrees near your zip code. You can also simply request more information from the top Rhode Island x-ray technician schools listed below, simply by clicking the “More Info” buttons below and filling out the forms for the specific RI x-ray technician schools that you’re interested in.
Top X-Ray Tech Schools Offering Degrees in Rhode Island:
Becoming an x-ray tech requires that you first complete your healthcare prerequisites before you can enter an x-ray tech clinical program. Request free enrollment and financial aid information from these top schools by using the 'More Info' buttons below: