X-Ray Technician Schools in Utah (UT)

Getting licensed as an x-ray technician in Utah involves first selecting the right Utah x-ray technician school. To do this, you can use our UT x-ray tech program locater tool below, which will provide you with a comprehensive list of campus and online x-ray technician schools in Utah sorted by your zip code. Once you’ve submitted through the links below, simply complete the ‘Request More Information’ forms to receive a free information packet from the xray technician school in Utah you are interested in.

Top X-Ray Tech Schools Offering Degrees in Utah:

Becoming an x-ray tech requires that you first complete your healthcare prerequisites before you can enter an x-ray tech clinical program. Request free enrollment and financial aid information from these top schools by using the 'More Info' buttons below:

Colorado Technical University - The AS in Health Administration Services degree from Colorado Technical University is one of the most affordable and flexible fully online programs that both meets the pre-requisites needed to enter a clinical xray program upon graduation and have the option to enter other health fields.
Virginia College Online - The BS in Health Services Management degree is a fully accredited online program for students who want to get their X-Ray tech pre-requisites completed online with a flexible course schedule and who want the option to enter into a variety management positions during their career.
Keiser University - The AA in Health Services Admin is an online bachelors degree which teaches both healthcare technician training and covers the business issues which commonly arise during an xray technicians career.

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